Project for the Restoration of Livelihoods in the Northern Region (PRELNOR)

The government of Uganda in partnership with IFAD initiated the Prelnor project to improve the livelihood of small-scale farmers in the Northern Region of Uganda. The project aimed at addressing both infrastructural and climatic constraints to foster development and this was implemented under two components:

  • Rural livelihood focuses on developing community-level planning, building the capacity of the community to improve productivity and ensure sustainable Natural Resource Management (NRM) practices, and promoting and adopting climate-resilient farm management practices and production systems.
  • Market linkages and infrastructure which intends to build ex-Novo and strengthen agricultural markets, rehabilitate Community Access Roads (CARS) which link farmers to markets, build 3 bulk markets at sub-regional level in Gulu, Kitgum and Adjumani districts and attain 9 satellite markets at county/sub-district level.

WEKOnnect Group in partnership with Nomad were contracted by Kantar to conduct a mid-term impact assessment study in 9 districts (Adjumani, Gulu, Kitgum, Pader, Agago, Amuru, Nwoya, Oyam, and Lamwo) to help track rural development consistently to the SDGs targets. The quantitative research methodology was utilized using the survey solutions application to collect data from small scale farmers and the local leaders in the 9 sampled districts.

Evaluating the Prelnor project activities gave us Nomad the experience on how the baseline statistics ought to be presented to get it right during the mid-term evaluation and the eventual end-term evaluation. Also, as the project was predominately executed in the Northern Region with limited connectivity and power outrages equipped us with the lessons and experiences to deal with the same.